About Us

FORR3NT.com was started by two property owners in the greater La Crosse, Wisconsin area. Both of them have rented places in the past, too. As renters, they were frustrated at how they had to search high and low between multiple sources to find places to rent. As landlords, they were frustrated that they had to list their available rentals in so many different places to get the attention of good, reliable tenants. They agreed on 3 things:

  1. There should be an easy and convenient way for good people that want to rent a place to
    find homes using their iPhone or Android.
  2. There should be a super easy way for a landlord to create a rental property listing, including
    uploading photos. The more photos and info there are, the happier prospective tenants will
    be and the fewer mis-matched phone calls they’ll receive.
  3. Bullet point lists are the bomb - especially when there are 3 (and only 3) points on them.
    After sharing their frustrations over a few Spotted Cows (pretty sure it was 3), they decided to
    fix the problem.

Welcome to Forr3nt.com!!